Beautiful and relaxing action in the canyon Dubrasnica where we were, as usual, first met by one of the kindest host Mitar in the village of Ruzici on Debelo Brdo. After speedy dressing and putting equipment on we went to calming watercourse of Dubrasnica. Time was almost ideal and the water level not so small for this time of year, but definitely below average. The first part of the canyon we passed pretty quickly and with minimal stops. A little more time we spent relaxing at the highest vertical in the canyon, which is the landmark and the most beautiful part of canyon Dubrasnica. After enjoyment and making photography we continued down the path to the exit from the canyon. We stopped briefly at the old mill and then continue along the footpath back to Ruzica and Mitra where we parked the vehicles. We completed a good day with lots of wild blackberries that we found this year more than ever before.

Photo by: Brana Pantelić