New team members joined us on this adventure through canyon Bogutovski Potok and to some of them this was the very first time in the canyon and such wonderful place of nature. Group of 15 people headed into one the most beautiful canyons in the limestone section on the right tributary of Moraca river. It is recognizable by verticals covered with moss, not so great water that occasionally plunges, and by one of the most beautiful “halls” in our region.
This hall is widest at the bottom and getting narrow to the top and almost connects with stray and small pieces of rocks and stones. At the beginning of the hall there is raised compact layer of sediment like an amphitheater, dark and imposing hall next to a small lake that highlights the waterfall.
This would be the shortest description to identify the canyon in which our group of 15 people was headed. The day started without undue haste but with respect for the timetable we have set ourselves and agreed the previous day. It was a sunny day one could only wish for, because the previous days it was raining so we’re hoping to have great water that usually “lacks” in this canyon. This time the water level was certainly more than the average, but we would not mind if there was much more of it. We entered the canyon from a bit longer path but with less haunting and penetrating through the thick thorns and branches that we are used to in order to reach the canyon watercourse.
Walking beside the stream or through it a large number of beginners, for whom this was the first canyon walkthrough, are eagerly awaiting the first details and verticals of this beautiful canyon. Slowly we approached the old mill and a vertical wall of the main rock which can easily be seen far apart on the left side of the flow, and it represents the “gate” of the canyon. At this point, the canyon narrows significantly, and enjoying in canyoning begins. First smaller verticals and waterfalls we acquired slowly. Euphoria, excitement and a bit of fear were visible in the eyes of the new members of Extreme Canyoning team to whom this was the first “true” vertical. We advanced slowly but safely using every opportunity for photographing and recording. The sculptures on the walls of waterfalls covered with moss looked as if they were playing with our new members so that the terminology (overhang, pendulum, rope, anchor, prusik…) certainly would be long remembered.
Photo by: Predrag Vučković