This is our last video from more than successful season 2016! Another year is left behind by the Extreme Canyoning Team, another year has brought us many new friends and future participants of our canyoning adventures! Photos and video materials are what remains behind each of our adventure, and these icy days are perfect for renewal of impressions from everything we’ve been through. Also these video files are great motivation for what awaits us in future canyoning actions!
Visit with us some unreal places in Serbia and Montenegro!
Due to really big interest in this year we have planned actions from April to November in plenty different canyons in Serbia and Montenegro. Many people have already registered but our options allow even more space for your applications. SIGN UP ON TIME because our groups are becoming limited!
Please send your name, last name and phone number on the e-mail
We’ll sign you up on the list and you’ll get information about all our actions among the first. Signed people are the first that we inform and of course all those who were joining us on some previous canyoning actions.
Schedule of our terms, dates and locations will be published very soon!!!