With great excitement we announce that from today we appear in the digital edition of the Extreme Canyoning magazine, the first and only canyoning magazine in our country and in wider region.
Canyoning is an active discipline in more than 40 countries worldwide, and given the fact that globally these magazines practically don’t exist makes our pleasure even greater. We hope that it will be a great motivation to all of our readers and their teams to explore the magic of untouched nature which is best felt in the canyons.

Just by visiting a canyon, we are transported from the comfort of our everyday world to a completely new world, where some different rules completely unknown to us apply. We don’t need not to go far to have that feeling of being in a jungle. That’s why, through our magazine, we will strive to preserve those true values of nature.

Moreover, information related to canyoning is currently very limited and in many places overlaps with notions traditionally linked to classical mountaineering and different techniques related to other activities that are also applied in canyoning. Through our articles and features, we will seek to bring all of this even closer to real canyoning and everything related to this specific activity. We will also endeavour to introduce you to new locations and canyons, as well as the latest equipment that will ease your canyoning adventure, whilst also ensuring that your safety and security are maintained at the highest possible level.

We invite you to join this project and become a contributor by sending an email to extreme@extremecanyoning.com detailing accounts from your own canyoning adventures, actions or events, and anything else that relates to our basic topics, which – besides canyoning – includes nature and outdoor activities.

We also invite all manufacturers of equipment intended specifically for canyoning, or that can be applied for this purpose, to send us photos, feature articles and details of innovations and novelties, in order for us to help our readers make the best possible choices when it comes to selecting equipment for their adventures that adheres to the highest quality and safety standards.